Tuesday, August 9, 2011

OSLCE Awards and Recognition

If you have ever visited the Office of Service Learning and Campus Engagement, then you probably have seen the awards that litter the walls of the office.  These awards were given to the OSLCE to recognize the work they have done to better the Cedar Rapids Community.

The Coe College Office of Service Learning and Campus Engagement received the President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll in 2009 and 2010. The OSLCE was recognized for distinguished general community service in recognition of extraordinary volunteer efforts by the school and its students to serve area neighborhoods and communities.

Coe College is also recognized as a proud member of Iowa Campus Compact (IACC).  IACC is a statewide association of college and university presidents who are committed to fulfilling the civic purposes of higher education by educating students for active citizenship and building strong communities. This is accomplished by integrating community service, service-learning and community engagement opportunities into student's academic and co-curricular activities.

Coe College Office of Service-Learning and Campus Engagement was named Volunteer of the Year from the ARC of East Central Iowa in 2009.  This award was given to recognize the work of the service-learning professional writing class and the first year students’ service-learning program called Movin’ and Groovin’.

In 2008, 2009 and 2010, Coe College Office of Service-Learning and Campus Engagement received the Al Smith School and Community Partner Recognition Award from the following three schools: Taylor Elementary, Polk Elementary, and McKinley Middle School.  Taylor Elementary recognized Coe College for their Service-Learning Recess Buddies Program and HACAP Backpack Program. Polk Elementary honored Coe College for the Backpack Program, Off Campus Federal Work Study, and Girl Scout Outreach Program. McKinley Middle School recognized Coe College for their work with the Core Skills Study Hour Tutors, Learning Lunches, and the PenPal program.

In January 2011, the Office of Service-Learning and Campus Engagement was recognized as the “NRHH Faculty/Staff of the Month.”  This award was for their work on MLK Day.

In May 2011, Cedar Rapids Dance Marathon was recognized as the Philanthropic Contribution of the Year at Coe College during the annual Leadership Convocation.  Cedar Rapids Dance Marathon was also named the "Best new Dance Marathon" in July 2011.

Coe College Office of Service-Learning and Campus Engagement was also recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and the Iowa Department of Revenue in 2011.  This award was for their work with the VITA Super Tax Saturday held on campus in February of 2011.

Keep up the good work OSLCE!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Looking forward to a great year!

Hello! My name is Wendy and I have been a VISTA at Coe for exactly one year (today!)! However, I don't think I've actually introduced myself on this blog. So I'm here to do that!

I graduated from the University of Iowa in 2010 with a degree that does not have much to do with community service. How did I end up at Coe then, you might ask. Well, I've always been involved with my own community service and a few service-oriented organizations. I also discovered an interest in working with students while I worked in an advising office during undergrad. I was lucky to find this position at Coe because it does a great job of combining my interests in student affairs and my love for helping people.

I love to spend time with my family and friends. I've been blessed to have a very large family (45 and counting cousins that I'm very close with) and lots of friends that support me in all that I do. My family is relatively close by to Coe, so I'm fortunate to be able to see them often. Another fun fact about me is that I grew up on a dairy farm! I love talking to people about what it's like to live on a farm, so if you are curious I'm happy to share my experiences! I'm also a big hockey fan (well, it's a new interest for me, but I love it!) and college football fan.

A few of my favorite things from last year were definitely the Alternative Spring Break trip I was lucky to help advise. It was my first time in Atlanta, but it was a great experience! I also loved being able to help students throughout the year find a new passion, or continue with a passion they already held, but maybe in a new way. I really enjoy the variety of things I get to experience at Coe. I've been able to help a group of students pack over 9,000 meals in just a few hours for Kids Against Hunger, build a shed for a Habitat for Humanity family, raise over $25,500 for the University of Iowa Children's Hospital, and work Aging Services to put 500 hours in one day into the community helping the elderly in the community with their housework. There's so much potential for us to help the Cedar Rapids community and I can't wait to get started on the new school year! I look forward to working with all of the new students at Coe this fall!

Best wishes, Wendy