Friday, December 10, 2010

It's Almost Christmas!

With the approach of finals and Christmas break many freshman are finishing up their service learning requirements.  When I look back over the semester we have accomplished alot as an office. Directly, I have helped pack bags of food for students at Polk and Taylor, but the experience has been extremely rewarding.  This simple activity makes a life changing difference for some students. I have also got to meet alot of the incoming freshman that I probably would have never got to interact with if it wasn't for the OSLCE. Also as an ICAPer we have been working on raising money for Kids Against Hunger. There are many simple little things that we can do that will make a big difference on someone's life. 
In the holiday season try and share something with someone that needs it: A meal, a shelter, a hug, or even a simple smile can change someone's day.
Merry Christmas!!
-Sarah :)

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