Thursday, September 9, 2010

An Awesome Week of Service

This week was cool because it was the first week that our incoming freshman actually got to start working with their service site. On Tuesday, I took a group of about 15 students to Mission of Hope to serve our first meal.  I got there around 10 AM to help prepare the food, and get things ready to go. At 11, Gail brought students over. Some of them helped cook, while others sorted clothing.  At noon the food was served.  It was so great to see the students excited about helping. It was cool to see how thankful the people we served were for food. It really made me appreciate how lucky I am that I have a roof over my head and food to eat for every meal. This was my favorite part of the process.  A little bit of work produced a lot of happiness for other people. This week I also want to make some activity packets to put in the backpacks that will be packed to send to Polk and Taylor.  Have a great week ;)

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