Friday, March 18, 2011

Have fun at Garnett

In my opinion, there is no greater feeling than when you know you have made a difference in someone’s life.  Being a part of the Coe College Office of Service Learning and Campus Engagement often provides an opportunity for me to feel that way, especially when I’m working at Garnett Place
Retirement Community.  I have had the privilege of working with Garnett for the past two years, and I must say it has been one of the most enjoyable experiences. Everyone at Garnett is so great!  The
residents are so nice, and playing Bingo with them is a bundle of fun.  There is never a dull moment!  One of the Bingo ladies carries around a joke book and tells random jokes to anyone who will listen.  She is the most shy, quiet lady and she comes up with the best jokes.  Another lady always sits at the head table until Bingo starts, and she does crosswords.  Every time we call B6 while playing, she says, “I don’t want to be sick.” The staff are very nice as well, and they are very helpful whenever you
need something. 
This semester, we are trying to get more involved with Garnett, so we have set up some extra activities.  On different afternoons and evenings, you can enjoy playing different games like farkle, yahtzee, and wheel of fortune.  One of the residents even made up his own game called hand pool.  Some of the residents were having trouble holding pool sticks, so the man came up with a
game like pool only played with your hands.  We are also trying to set up times for volunteers to go and perform either a song or musical instrument for the resident.  Garnett is definitely a great place to volunteer.  There are so many opportunities to connect with the residents and have a great time!

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