Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kindergartners + Valentines

Reading Buddies this semester has already been a hoot.  On our first day back, we reunited with our awesome, gosh darn cute Kindergartners of Mrs. Raue's class.  Can we just say that not a thing has changed?  (It's a good thing, trust me).  There's a saying that kids are the most honest people you will ever meet.  Last week, I noticed two kindergartners, we will call them Ellie and Jack, following each other around the class room.  I could not figure out what was going on between those two.  They followed each other while we sang songs, they followed each other during dance time, and they followed each other when it was time to sit in body basics for a story.  I went to sit next to Ellie during body basics, when long a behold, Jack came over.  I think when Jack saw me sitting cross-legged (which brought back memories of my own days in elementary school) on the floor, I think he saw that as an invitation to sit on my lap.  I told him that I thought everyone had to sit in body basics, and he scurried off to sit next to Ellie.  The next thing I know, Ellie turns around to me, gives me a huge smile and says "Jack and I love each other very much!", and wraps her arms around him.  I look at Jack, and a small, but warm smile appears on his face.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe that we have just seen puppy love!

Seeing this reminded me why I love coming back to Reading Buddies.  There is never a dull moment with these kids, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  They teach us so many things, and us them.  That day, I learned that sometimes, it's okay to be an Ellie or a Jack, and just share how you feel.  Carpe Diem.  Seize the day.  I also learned that Kindergartners are the true romantics. 

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