Friday, September 16, 2011

Service Events on September 11th

This past Sunday was the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.  Even after ten years, it is hard to come to terms with the tragedy that took place here on U.S. soil.  To commemorate the people who lost their lives and to recognize those who have served and are currently serving in the United States military, September 11th has been designated the National Day of Service and Remembrance.  On this day, across the nation people band together to support those affected by all types of conflict, especially war. 

This year, Coe College participated in the National Day of Service and Remembrance by sending care packages to soldiers who are currently overseas.  Students, faculty, and staff were asked to recommend soldiers to receive the packages as well as donate non-perishable items.  On Sunday the 11th, a group of students met to pack the boxes with the donated items.  In total, 30 care packages were packaged and sent to soldiers who have a personal connection to someone here at Coe. 

In addition to the packing of care packages, many other activities took place on the 11th.  One of these included a spiritual reflection with the chaplain.  Not only is it important to do something good for the community - like send care packages - but reflection is also a necessary factor to really understanding the significance of things. 

The day was a great success, and hopefully will continue to be in the future!

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