Sunday, September 11, 2011

Welcome Back!

Hello, beautiful readers!

It's been an exciting few weeks back in the OSLCE office. Tuesday, September 6 was our Service Fair. Lots of community partners came to Coe to explain their missions to Coe students, especially freshmen looking for service options to complete 20 hours of service.

Since then, the student staff have been working diligently to get their programs up and running by contacting community partners, training at service sites, holding orientations, and trying to find students to volunteer.

Of course, that's not the only thing we've been working on!

After receiving a grant, the OSLCE and the Chaplain's Office collaborated to find donations to fill 20 boxes for American soldiers currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Donations included: razors, food, shampoo, books, magazines, cards, lotion, money, et cetera. Luckily, we received enough donations to pack 29 boxes!

Then, students ate lunch together and discussed patriotism. Afterwards, they headed to Veterans Memorial Stadium to participate in an interfaith memorial service for those who were effected ten years ago today.

It was an insightful day as Coe students chose to "Remember, Reflect, and Respect" those who lost their lives and whose lives were forever effected because of events that changed us on September 11, 2001.

Thanks for reading!

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